Part 4/Week 9: The Last Battle & Aftermath

Part 4/Week 9: The Last Battle & Aftermath

"As the evening shadows of the Millennial Day fall, the Angel who imprisoned Satan will unlock the 'prison house' of the 'Bottomless Pit,' and Satan will come forth embittered by his fierce confinement to vent his anger upon the people of God."Larkin, The Book of Revelation "When the thousand years come to an end, Satan [...]

Part 4/Week 7: The Millennial Temple

Part 4/Week 7: The Millennial Temple

"There is overwhelming scriptural evidence predicting a Temple during the Millennial Kingdom on earth" (Precept Austin). Ezekiel provides the greatest detail of this future temple in Ezekiel 40:5-43:27. The details given to Ezekiel by the angel are strikingly specific, complete with exact measurements of Temple walls, gates, entry rooms, and more. "And I will make [...]

Part 4/Week 6: The Mountain of the LORD & Millennial Jerusalem

Part 4/Week 6: The Mountain of the LORD & Millennial Jerusalem

"At the time of the second coming of Messiah, the land will undergo some tremendous geographical and topographical changes. One of the key transformations will be the rise of a mountain that will become the highest mountain of the world. On its summit will stand the Millennial Temple and the Millennial Jerusalem." Fruchtenbaum, The Footsteps [...]

Part 4/Week 5: The Government of the Millennial Kingdom Part 2

Part 4/Week 5: The Government of the Millennial Kingdom Part 2

This week, we are looking at the second branch of the Millennial government, the Jewish branch. Fruchtenbaum does an amazing job of clarifying what this looks like. Here is his Messianic chain of command chart that I posted last week. Fruchtenbaum’s chart on the Millennial Government As pictured above, Fruchtenbaum believes that King David will [...]

Part 4/Week 4: The Government of the Millennial Kingdom

Part 4/Week 4: The Government of the Millennial Kingdom

"That the Messiah is to sit upon the throne of David and rule in a kingdom over Israel with a dominion extending over all the Gentiles is the clear teaching of the Old and New Testaments." Fruchtenbaum, The Footsteps of the Messiah, p. 379 During the Millennial kingdom, Christ will be King over all the [...]

Part 4/Week 3: Characteristics of the Millennial Kingdom

Part 4/Week 3: Characteristics of the Millennial Kingdom

Revelation 20:4-6 speaks of the blessing of the first resurrection and depicts the saints ruling and reigning with Christ for a thousand years. "The figure of one thousand years is only found in Revelation 20. But it is recorded six different times in this one chapter" (Fruchtenbaum, The Footsteps of the Messiah, p. 369).  "The [...]

Part 4/Week 2: The Interval

Part 4/Week 2: The Interval

Once Christ returns and the Tribulation ends, there is an interval of 75 days. Hitchcock says, "Books about the end times frequently overlook the interval of time between the second coming of Christ and the official inauguration of the millennial kingdom" (The End, p, 393). “The existence of this interval is demonstrated in Daniel 12:11-12" [...]